Business AI Maestro: Fractal’s Srikanth Velamakanni

Even in the fast-paced world of AI, it pays to take your time.

For the global AI company Fractal Analytics, hiring is a high-priority artform. For every 2,000 hires, they look at 400,000 resumes, according to co-founder Srikanth Velamakanni. Fractal institutes tests and an elaborate interview and vetting system. It's an extremely selective process largely based in talent-rich India.

It might look like overkill - but few companies have achieved Fractal's longevity and track record. The company was founded in 2000 - long before AI was a hot button issue - and recently became a unicorn, helping Fortune 500 companies compete with state-of-the-art analytics.

Srikanth describes the company's journey from bootstrapper to leader in the field - citing hiring as a critical focus.

Full interview available on The Software Report's affiliate Great Entrepreneurs.

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